Dog Breeds that Love the Snow

Dog Breeds that Love the Snow

Are you a beach bum of a blizzard fiend? If you favor the snow, take a look at breeds that have your same preferences. Some were even bred for those cold climates, and probably enjoy a good game of snowball fetch (even if they can’t return it).

Siberian Husky

Originating in Northeast Asia, the Siberian Husky was bred to be a sled dog with a dense cashmere-like undercoat and a longer, coarse top coat. They are even ranked 14th on the AKC registration statistics in popularity.

Saint Bernard

Bred for locating freezing and helpless people during snowstorms in the Swiss Alps, the Saint Bernard has a dense coat that can be long or short. Either way, they stay very warm in the extremely cold temperatures.


Named after its province of origin, the Newfoundland was originally bred to pull nets for fishermen. However, they are generally used now as rescue dogs with their skilled long-distance swimming and lifesaving instincts in the water. The heavy plush coat keeps them warm in icy waters and cold temperatures.

Alaskan Malamute

Not only is the Alaskan Malamute the oldest and largest of the Alaskan sled dogs, they have been greatly used for freighting in the Arctic. Their thick coarse coats keep them warm in the wet cold weather.

Bernese Mountain Dog

Brilliant, strong, and agile, the Bernese Mountain Dog originated in the mountainous area for drafting and droving. The long silky coat keeps them quite warm in these working conditions.