Why Do Dogs Bark at the TV?

Why Do Dogs Bark at the TV?

If your dog goes crazy, barking and pawing as soon as you turn on the TV, they’re not alone! It’s not uncommon for dogs to bark at the TV, but many owners are mystified as to why they do it. Read on for a few explanations of why dogs bark at the TV.

What Do Dogs See on TV?

First of all, you’re probably wondering what dogs can even see on TV screens. Dogs perceive images on screens at a faster rate than humans, and they can’t see colors as well as we can. Some dogs do like watching TV, and there’s even a Dog TV for dogs to watch their own favorite channels, with image speeds and sounds that are appealing to them. But on regular TV, they can’t see too much. Therefore, while their barking may be the result of what they see onscreen, it’s more likely the result of what they hear.

Possible Explanations for Dogs Barking at the TV

There are a few reasons that dogs may bark in general, including the following:

  • Out of habit. Barking may just become a reflex for dogs, especially when they spend so much of their time doing it! While you may think they’re barking at the TV, they may just like the sound of their own bark.
  • Confusion. Dogs often bark if they’re confused and looking for some sort of explanation either from you or from their environment. Not being able to understand what’s going on on the TV screen could confuse them and cause them to bark.
  • Excitement. Dogs also bark if they’re excited about something, so if there’s an interesting noise or scene on TV, it might excite them and cause them to bark.
  • Warning. Our most loyal companions often bark to warn us of something confusing or alarming in our environment. If they perceive the TV, noises, or anything they see on the screen as a threat, they may bark to warn you of what’s going on.

How to Prevent Your Dog From Barking at the TV

While it makes sense that our dogs bark at the TV, the truth is, it can be pretty annoying. If you’re trying to get your dog to stop barking at the TV, we recommend distracting them with other activities or toys. Try giving them a Kong toy stuffed with peanut butter or their favorite treats. Or try taking them out for a walk. They may be barking out of boredom or desire to go outside. You may also consider watching TV on a smaller screen. While this is annoying for you, your dog will be less enticed by the smaller screen.

There are plenty of reasons that your dog might be barking at the TV. While their barking is annoying, it does make sense! Use our tips to curb your dog’s barking and start watching TV in peace again.