Why is My Dog Throwing Up So Much

Why Is My Dog Throwing Up So Much?

Dog vomit is definitely a pain to deal with, but how do you know that your dog just ate something bad and there isn’t a more serious problem? Vomiting can be a signal of deeper issues with your dog’s health, such as swallowing a toxic substance or gastrointestinal problems. Here are some tips for understanding your dog’s vomiting and what you can do to help.

Causes of Sudden Vomiting

You should first get to the root of your dog’s vomiting. Some common causes of sudden canine vomiting include a bacterial infection of the gastrointestinal tract, foreign bodies (toys, bones, etc.) in the gastrointestinal tract, viral infections, heatstroke, changes in diet, or other more serious issues like acute kidney failure, acute liver failure, pancreatitis, or ingestion of toxic substances. Vomiting that occurs over a longer period of time may indicate intestinal inflammation, constipation, cancer, or liver disease.

What to Do for Frequent Vomiting

Occasional, isolated vomiting incidents are probably not serious. Frequent vomiting, though, could suggest that a more serious issue is at hand. Contact your vet immediately if your dog is repeatedly vomiting. Your vet will be able to give your dog the testing and treatment that they may need to take care of any bouts of vomiting. It’s important that you get your dog the care they need as soon as you can!

Other Symptoms

Diagnosing the cause of vomiting can be complicated when there are so many factors that could be at play! You should monitor their behavior and make sure you know of all other symptoms that your dog may have. Other symptoms to look out for include diarrhea, dehydration, blood in vomit, change in appetite, weight loss, lethargy, and an increase or decrease in thirst or urination. Knowing what other symptoms your dog may have will help your vet pinpoint the cause of their illness.

When Is It Serious?

Your dog may be vomiting simply because they ate too fast, they were carsick, or another mild cause. Any of the above symptoms are indicative of a more serious issue and should cue a call to your vet. You should also contact your vet if your furry friend is vomiting frequently within a short period of time. Proper treatment and care should have your pup back on their feet in no time!

Dog vomit is far from pleasant, but it’s important that you recognize the signs that it’s serious. Watch what your dog eats and look out for other symptoms. Doggie vomit – no problem!