
SMS-Denver Obedience Training with Misty Snow & Jay Willey

I’m MISTY SNOW; an American Eskimo canine who up until the time I turned 9 years old was a rather temperamental brat. I only would let four people touch me. All others were in danger of being bit. I considered the Mail person my mortal enemy, just a little ahead of the UPS guy, and basically any one who dared to walk up to my house or approach the vehicle I was in. Now, I had done rather well for these 9 years, although it did strain my relationship with my humans on occasion.

Well, one day a stranger appeared at my door. I was being restrained rather forcibly at the time.
His name was Anthony and his truck was all painted up and said ”SIT MEANS SIT”. Anthony also had a ‘big’ dog who was very well trained and showed off some incredible tricks. All this was part of ‘the DEMO’ to get my humans to buy a program to reform me, as I later was to learn.

Now my life was to change. I got a fancy collar that bit me whenever my human pushed a button and I attended several private sessions where I worked with another man named John. I got to like John and would let him pet me and I found out he was very good at knowing what I was thinking and how to deal with my behavior and I began to change.

Then one day it was no more individual attention (all though it is always available if needed), but ‘Group Class’ became the activity of choice. Now I found myself with many of my canine associates and we walked around each other and some of us even had to wear a muzzle if we did not follow the rules. Under the close supervision of John who knows all the dogs and their humans and how to best help us to learn about sitting, down, heal and of course ‘place’. Most of all we learned to respond to our humans and to get along with each other thru lots of interaction, games, drills and release time, (that’s when we get to run around and have fun with each other and our humans).

I am not perfect, but I now can work better with my human in lots of different situations. More people than I can count have petted me; and I have even leaned to play a little with some of the other canines in the group classes. I have learned to protect my house with a lot less barking and carrying on, I can even let the dreaded Mail person and UPS come and go with only a short bark and growl. Some people have even visited my humans and I was not confined to quarters but allowed to be a part of the conversation, I am still not totally comfortable with this, but am learning. I now can be taken out for walks and really love going to group class and interacting with my canine peers and love to show off the tricks and behaviors that make me extra special. I have a long way to go to be like John and Anthony’s dogs but I am learning more and more every day.

Most of all I have proved “YOU CAN TEACH AN OLD DOG NEW TRICKS”, thanks to the methods and expertise of the SIT MEANS SIT programs and personnel. I highly recommend them to all my canine friends and their humans.
Misty Snow