Creative Ways To Include Fido In Your Holiday Photos

Creative Ways to Include Fido in Your Holiday Photos

It’s that time of the year for some fun and festive holiday photos! So, read below to learn some creative ways to include Fido in your photos this year!

Coordinate Colors

Whether you are taking traditional or fun photos, coordinating colors are a fantastic way to tie the photo together. Just dress your pup with a coordinating colored collar, bowtie, or bandana. Additionally, you don’t have to pick red and green. You can choose any colorful or neutral colors to make your holiday photos cohesive.

Pick A Fun Theme

Choose a creative theme for your holiday photos if you want to be even more fun and festive. For example, your family can dress up as elves while your pup dresses up as the big man in the red suit! Or, the rest of you can be Santa’s reindeer. There are plenty of silly and festive ideas to come up with!

Matching Outfits

Another idea is to wear matching outfits! This could be wearing matching sweaters, pajamas, or even Santa hats. Any outfit you choose will turn out great and be super cute.

Photos With Santa

For this next idea, take your furry friend to the mall for a photo with Santa. This works best if your pal is comfortable around kids and strangers. Plus, you can even dress your canine up as a reindeer for this super cute idea! Or, you can use any of the ideas above to take family photos with Santa!

Make It All About Them

Everything is already about our canine companions anyway, so what makes holiday photos any different? So, have your pup take front and center, and let them steal the show! You can even take fun, candid photos of your pup to include in your holiday cards. Who could resist that adorable face?

Follow the ideas above when looking for ways to include your pal in your holiday photos!