
Help! My Dog Won't Stop Licking Me

Help! My Dog Won’t Stop Licking Me

We may love to get “doggy kisses” from our companions. However, hygiene is a consideration, and it can be not very enjoyable always to be licked by your canine. So, read below to learn why dogs lick and how to stop Fido from licking you and others! Why Do Dogs Lick? Licking is a natural…

What You Should Know Before Flying with Fido

Traveling with a pet can be tricky under any circumstance, but it can be especially so on a plane. There are a lot of mistakes you can make, even if you’re an experienced flyer. We’ve compiled a list of a few things you should know before flying with Fido.  Understand the Airline’s Pet Policy Every…

How to Properly Greet a Dog

Sometimes, we can get a little too excited when we see a new dog friend. If we rush up to them and squeal in their face, we can’t be surprised when their reaction isn’t too great. It’s important to remember that not all dogs like being pet, especially not by strangers. So, here are some…

Tips for Canoeing or Kayaking with Dogs

Tips for Canoeing & Kayaking with Dogs

Have you considered taking your dog with you the next time you venture out on your canoe or kayak? We have some tips to make sure your time on the water is enjoyable for you and your dog! Before you head out consider if you and your dog are ready: Does your dog enjoy car…

Tips for Exercising with Your Dog

Tips for Exercising with Your Dog

Is your 2021 resolution to exercise more? If it is, you don’t have to do it alone! Your dog could be your biggest weight loss advocate Follow these tips to get you & your pup more active. Activities To Do With Your Dog Walking Running Hiking Swimming Doga Rollerblading Trail running Kayaking Paddle boarding Playing…

Dog-Related Tax Deductions

Dog-Related Tax Deductions

Tax day is right around the corner and many of us are searching for any type of deductions we can get! So, that has us wondering, are dogs tax deductible? Well, not exactly, but there are some dog related expenses that may be! 1. Moving Your Dog If you moved during the tax year, it…

Does My Dog Need a Door?

Does My Dog Need a Door?

Whether your tired of being a doggy doorman or you have a busy schedule with no time to let your furry friend outside, you may be looking for a way your dog can come and go from the house on his own. The answer could be a doggy door! We have a few things you…

Tips for Working from Home with Your Dog

Tips for Working from Home with Your Dog

Working from home sounds like heaven, but when you have a furry friend at home, it’s pretty easy to become sidetracked by their need for attention, exercise, and love. Your dog probably just thinks you’re there to hang out, so they won’t be prepared to spend the day vying for your attention while you send…

How Often Should Your Dog Visit the Groomer

How Often Should Your Dog Visit the Groomer

For many dogs, visiting the groomer is one of their least favorite activities. However, grooming is extremely important for maintaining your dog’s health and wellbeing. Plus, they’ll look a lot better when they’re trimmed up and feeling like their best self! Check out our tips on how often your dog should visit the groomer. Keep…

Where Should My Dog Sleep?

Where Should My Dog Sleep?

The question of where our furry friends should rest at night has been plaguing dog owners for centuries. Whether you’re bringing a new puppy home or adopting an older dog, sleeping arrangements can be a difficult decision for pet parents. Here are some tips for deciding where your dog should sleep at night. Crates Can…