Games That Will Help You Bond With Your New Puppy

Games That Will Help You Bond with Your New Puppy

Having a new puppy is a fun and exciting time! It is important to work on training and bonding games to build a strong connection with your lifelong best friend. So, read below to learn games that will help you bond with your new puppy!

Puzzle Toys

Puzzle toys are a great way to challenge your furry friend and strengthen their mind! Additionally, these toys will improve your puppy’s memory and focus. Puzzle toys also provide a great bonding experience for you and your canine as you give them praise and reassurance as they play. Check out some awesome puzzle toys here!

Hot & Cold

The hot & cold game is a great way to improve your puppy’s listening skills as well as help them learn voice tones. To play this game, hide a treat while your pup isn’t looking. Then, when your furry friend moves away from the hidden treat, use a calm tone of voice when talking to them. But, when your companion moves toward the treat, talk to them with more excitement and praise. This game will help you bond with your puppy while also teaching them important listening skills!

Training Recall

One of the most essential skills a puppy should learn is to come when called. So, play this simple game to help train a reliable recall! First, show your furry friend a treat and then drop it on the ground and run about 15 feet away. Once your companion has sniffed out and eaten the treat, call your pup in a happy and cheerful voice. Once your puppy comes to you, give them praise and more treats to reward them!

Touching Time

Playing the touching game will help your furry friend tolerate being touched and handled. This is important for brushing, trimming nails, and vet visits. For this game, give your puppy a yummy treat and run your hands over their body every day. This will help you bond with your canine and help them learn that touching is okay! Your pup might be hesitant to have their feet or other places touched, so go slowly and help your furry friend get used to it. Additionally, give them praise during this exercise, too, so your puppy knows how good they are!

Try out some of the games above to bond with your new puppy!