What You Should Know Before Flying with Fido

Traveling with a pet can be tricky under any circumstance, but it can be especially so on a plane. There are a lot of mistakes you can make, even if you’re an experienced flyer. We’ve compiled a list of a few things you should know before flying with Fido. 

Understand the Airline’s Pet Policy

Every airline has a different pet policy. You should never assume that what worked for your last trip will work for the next. Read through your airline’s guidelines and try to meet every criterion they have. For example, if your airline requires proof of vaccination, then make sure you bring that proof. Understanding and following guidelines can help you avoid any trouble at the airport. It will also give you more insight into things you should know before your flight. 

Pack the Essentials

As you pack your suitcase, remember that you need to pack for two – you and Fido. Essentials might include any necessary medications, treats, collars, or food. Also, remember to pack any essential vaccination records, as that might come in handy when checking your dog into the airport. 

Find the Right Carrier

A pet carrier can make a world of difference when traveling. As you do your pre-flight shopping, make sure you consider any size requirements the airline has (which can be found in the pet policy!) With those guidelines in mind, you can go on to buy something that your dog can comfortably sit in for the duration of the flight.

Keep Calm and Fly On

If your dog is likely to get anxious during the flight, investing in calming treats might be the best choice. This includes CBD or melatonin products, as well as vet-approved anxiety medications. Investing in any of these can ensure that your dog stays calm during the ride and that you can avoid any altercation they might have with another passenger or staff.