The Benefits of Using Elevated Dog Bowls

The Benefits of Using Elevated Dog Bowls

There are many different types of dog bowls in the world. You might be familiar with the traditional ground-level bowl. But have you heard of an elevated dog bowl? Elevated dog bowls have a myriad of benefits for your furry friend. We’ve rounded up all the benefits of using an elevated dog bowl!

Bloat Prevention.

Elevated dog bowls prevent bloat in our furry friends. Bloating causes many health issues in your pups, such as Gastric Dilation. Bloat occurs when pooches ingest too much air while eating. A higher bowl actually prevents any large air pockets between the food and your dog. It also keeps your dog’s head above its digestive tract during mealtime. This allows for healthier digestion. 

Better Posture. 

Elevated bowls force your dog to have better posture. Ground-level bowls actually cause neck and joint stress in our pooches. Raised dishes are at a more comfortable height, preventing slouching. It also places the bowl at a more comfortable height and angle for our furry friends, making mealtime more enjoyable. 

Easier for Senior Dogs 

Elevated dog bowls create an overall easier mealtime for your pooch, especially senior dogs. If your pup has joint issues, such as arthritis, a ground-level bowl causes discomfort. It’s harder for older dogs to lean all the way over to eat from ground-level bowls. The bowls prevent neck and back discomfort that plague more senior dogs. 

More Hygenic

Elevated bowls are much more hygienic than ground-level bowls. Ground-level bowls are more likely to spill food, which can cause ants and other issues in your home. An elevated bowl prevents spills during meal-time. These bowls are not only more hygienic for your pooch, it also make cleaning up after meals much more manageable.

Elevated bowls are a great choice, creating an easier mealtime for you and your pooch. We recommend these elevated bowls for all dogs, but, especially recommend them for senior dogs or dogs that struggle with neck or back issues. Make sure to keep these benefits in mind when purchasing your next dog bowl!