What are the Rarest Dog Breeds?

What are the Rarest Dog Breeds?

While most dog lovers know about common breeds like German Shpards and Yorkies, most people have yet to hear of any dogs on our list. With over 200 worldwide, it’s hard to be an expert on all dog breeds. But you’re in luck if you want to expand your canine knowledge. Today, we’re going over the rarest dog breeds in the entire world!

Swedish Vallhund 

These athletic pups look very similar to corgis. They are incredible athletes, often excelling in agility, tracking, and herding. As their name suggests, they hail from Sweden. So, we recommend these little balls of energy for athletic families with lots of space. We also recommend that potential Vallhund owners have plenty of time and patience to train these intelligent pups. 


The adorable Otterhound is a rambunctious hunting breed that originated from Europe. As the Otterhound’s name suggests, they are working dogs bred to hunt otters in the early 12th century. Like the Vallhunds, these pups need a lot of energy and space. However, they are incredibly affectionate and loyal, making them perfect for families in rural areas. 

Turkish Pointer

The Turkish Pointer, also known as the Catalburn, is the rarest dog on our list. Bred in Turkey, these pups have an incredibly unique appearance. They are one of the only dog breeds with a split nose and suspended ears. The Catalburn is so rare that any Kennel Clubs do not recognize it. These loyal and affectionate pooches are perfect for families. 

Peruvian Incan Orchid

The Peruvian Incan Orchid is one of the oldest breeds in the world, first being bred in 750 AD to treat medical conditions. Anicnet Icans used their urine to treat illnesses. They also use Orchid’s body heat to relieve aches and pains. The Orchids are in a lot of ancient Latin American artworks. These intelligent pups are known for their lack of fur. They are also great hunting dogs. We recommend this affectionate and docile breed to all families. 

The canine species is so exciting and wide-reaching. Each breed has a fantastic past and history.