These Foods Can Help Your Dog's Upset Stomach

These Foods Can Help Your Dog’s Upset Stomach

Has your usual lively and ravenous pup turned into a sluggish, appetite-less mess? Chances are, Fido has a stomach ache. But fear not; these foods can help your pup’s aching tummy. 


While a little unconventional, pumpkin can do wonders for our furry friends. Root vegetables, like pumpkins, are high in fiber. This means pumpkin can start to heal your dog’s digestive tract. Adding pumpkin to Fido’s meal can also help with constipation. Vets recommend 1-4 adding tablespoons of pumpkin to your pooches’ meal. But be sure to give your dog canned pumpkin, not pumpkin pie filling. This filling has added sugars and spices, which can further upset your pup’s stomach. 

Bone Broth 

Bone broth is extremely simple and healthy for pooches with tummy issues. Its mild flavor makes it easy to consume and digest. Bone broth is available at most grocery stores. You can also make bone broth yourself by boiling leftover animal bone for 24 hours. 

Shredded chicken and rice

Chicken and rice are one of the healthiest things to cook for your pooch. This plain poultry is easy on your dog’s stomach as long as it’s not cooked with any added spices or seasonings. Shredding the chicken will also make it much easier for your pup to eat and digest. Rice is also plain and easy to digest, and helping with some of your pup’s stomach ailments, such as diarrhea. 

Plain yogurt

Yogurt is not only healthy for us humans but for canines as well. It’s high in protein, and calcium, making it nutritious for dogs. Yogurt is also a probiotic that can help regulate Fido’s stomach and bowel movements. Make sure to feed your pup plain yogurt, free from any added sugars or sweeteners. 

Baby Food

Baby Food is easy on the stomach and is highly nutritious, making it perfect for a pooch with an upset stomach. It’s made from simple, healthy ingredients like fruits and veggies. These ingredients won’t upset your pup’s tummy. However, talk to your vet about feeding Fido baby food. You might accidentally over or underfeed your dog, worsening their stomach ache. 

These foods with have your pup’s stomach feeling better in no time! However, if symptoms persist, take your pup to the vet for further medical attention.