Does My Dog Need Probiotics?

You’ve probably heard all of the talk about probiotics in recent years, but are they really all they’re made out to be? Probiotics are good for our guts, but what about our dogs? Do these live microorganisms benefit them, as well? We have all the answers to your questions about probiotics for dogs. Read on to find out more!

What Are Probiotics?

Before deciding whether to add some probiotics to your dog’s diet, it’s important to understand what probiotics actually are. Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that enhance your digestive system. They’re the “good” kind of bacteria that make your gut happy and healthy. Probiotics have proven to strengthen human immune systems and improve irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, and diarrhea caused by antibiotics, among other things. They can also help replace good bacteria that may be inadvertently lost via antibiotics. All good things for your gut health!

How do Probiotics Affect My Dog?

With all of these benefits for humans, you may be wondering what probiotics can do for your canine companion. The answer is that while research on doggie probiotics is still in its beginning phases, there is evidence that probiotics can help your dog’s digestion and upset stomach. If your dog is experiencing stomach issues, your vet may recommend probiotics to aid in their digestion and to help combat bad bacteria that may have infected your pooch. If you think your dog may need probiotics, talk to your vet! They may have alternative methods for combating indigestion and stomach issues.

Should I Add Probiotics to My Dog’s Diet?

Knowing which health trends to buy into is always tough, especially when it comes to your dog’s well-being. Adding probiotics to your dog’s diet won’t harm them, but it may be unnecessary if your dog isn’t experiencing gastrointestinal issues. Making sure that your dog has a healthy, well-balanced diet with the right dog food for their individual needs is much more important for maintaining a healthy digestive system. Fresh food and homemade treats are a great way to ensure that your dog is getting the nutrients that their digestive system needs.

While adding probiotics to your dog’s diet is probably not necessary, you should consult your vet to get some more advice. Always do your research before jumping onto a food fad. Who knows, probiotics could be exactly what your dog needs to start living happier and healthier!