Your Puppy’s Coat Can Change!

As dogs age up from puppies, they go through many physical changes. They get bigger, their barks get louder, and their coats can change texture and color!

Your puppy’s coat can go through many changes as they grow. Here are some of the ways their fur may change.

Texture Changes

When puppies are born, they often come out with soft and thin hair. However, this cute little puppy coat does not last long. As they age, their coat will often become thicker as they grow more hair, and their hair will become coarser. This means your puppy may lose that ultra-soft feeling, but they are growing hair that is going to work better at protecting them and regulating their body temperature.

Color Changes

As your puppy grows in a new coat, you may also notice their fur changing colors! Some dogs just change color slightly, getting either a little darker or a little lighter. However, some dogs change color dramatically depending on their genetics. Your Golden Retriever probably isn’t going to start growing dark brown hair, but certain breeds undergo more extreme changes than others.

Dalmations, Bedlington Terriers, Kerry Blue Terriers, and Shih Tzus are among some of the breeds that go through the most notable drastic color changes. This is in large part due to the genetics of a dog’s parents and what kind of coloring they had.

At the end of the day, the color of a dog’s coat doesn’t really change anything about the dog besides their appearance and changes in texture are part of the growing process of a puppy. But you can be happy that when you see your puppy’s coat begin to change it is a sign that they are healthy and developing as they should be!