Can Dogs Drink Almond Milk?

Can Dogs Drink Almond Milk?

Veterinarians do not recommend giving dogs milk because they don’t have the adequate enzymes to break down the lactose. So for pooches who might need milk or simply just love it, what are your alternatives? Many think almond milk is a perfect replacement, but it may be the opposite. Let’s find out!

Milk & Nuts Are Not A Part of a Dog’s Natural Diet

Milk is not an essential diet your furry friend needs. In fact, puppies only need milk from their mother for a short time after their birth. If for some reason a little pup can’t receive milk from its mother, almond milk should not be the alternative. The best choice is a formula that is specially made for puppies – anything else could upset your furball’s sensitive tummy. If a formula isn’t an option either, then try using goat’s milk. Compared to other milk, it’s easier to digest and contains many of the vital nutrients your growing canine needs.

It May Contain Ingredients that are Toxic for Dogs

Almond milk may be lactose-free, but it still contains nuts that are usually not recommended for dogs. If the almond milk is unsweetened though, it may work – but keep in mind that many of those brands still include additives and fillers. So if you are planning on giving your pupster some almond milk, make sure you do extensive research on the brand to ensure it isn’t a ton of sugar and preservatives – with little almonds.

Here are some of the ingredients to look out for that can be harmful to your pooch:

  • Carrageenan: This ingredient is derived from seaweed, and is usually used to thicken moist food products. In your pup, though Carrageenan can cause gastrointestinal inflammation – and if left untreated can lead to cancer.
  • Chocolate: This is an ingredient most pet parents should already be familiar with. Chocolate contains theobromine, which for humans is easy to digest, but for canines, it won’t digest at all, and even the smallest amounts can cause harm – so at all costs avoid feeding dogs chocolate.
  • Gums: There are several different gums found in food products that are used as thickeners; they aren’t necessarily toxic for you dog – but will most likely give them diarrhea.
  • Xylitol: Artificial sweeteners like xylitol are often used in substitute of sugar. If your canine digests it though it can quickly flow through their bloodstream and cause insulin to release from their pancreas, this usually decreased blood sugar level in as little as 10 minutes. So like chocolate, this ingredient is tox and could result in the death of your pooch, so avoid it at all costs.

It can Pack on your Pup’s Pound

Many people use almond milk as an alternative for dairy for themselves due to its lower sugar and calorie content. This does not though mean it is free from fat. All nuts contain fat and are proteins. So even though almond milk has fewer calories and sugar than processed milk, its fat content can cause diabetes and obesity. So if your pooch already has a weight issue, almond milk is probably not for them.

Almond Milk Isn’t Filled with Nutrients

This may come as a surprise, but almond milk typically filters out all the rich proteins that actual almonds contain. Most commercially produced almond milk has undergone such an extensive filtration process that it ends up only containing less than 2% of vitamins and minerals. Some brands even contain over 7 grams of sugar per cup. So once again, if you are interested in almond milk for your canine companion, you’ll need to extensive research on the brand and what ingredients it contains, before giving it to dogs.

Almond Milk Can Be Pricey

Being a dog owner is not a cheap gig. You have to find the right food for them, go to regular vet checkup, keep up on grooming, prevent tick and fleas with treatment or ointment, and sometimes even invest in pet insurance. Adding almond milk to your pup’s diet may cause another added expenses that you just can’t afford to purchase regularly. On top of that, if dogs react negatively to almond milk, you’ll have to schedule a vet visit which will be another added expense.

Almond milk is usually safe for dogs, especially if they have milk intolerance, but it’s not always the best alternative. If you want to move forward with giving your canine almond milk, make sure you first, do extensive research to ensure there are no toxic ingredients in it. Then, start slowly by only giving your dog a little bit of almond milk at a time, just in case they end up having an adverse reaction.