Fun Dog Stuff

lady cuddling with her dog

Benefits of Sleeping in Your Bed with Fido

If you grew up with a dog, then you’ve probably been told not to let your pet sleep in the bed with you. “They’ll bring fleas into your covers,” your mom warns. Believe it or not, there are actually a few benefits to letting Fido sleep with you.  It Reduces Depression When we cuddle with…

First-Year Milestones You Can Celebrate with Fido

Raising a dog can be just like raising a child, and just like with children you’re probably tempted to celebrate every milestone ever. If you’re new to dog ownership then it can be complicated figuring out what milestones are worthy of a party and which aren’t. Here are some first-year milestones you shouldn’t be scared…

Calming Music for Dogs

When you leave your dog home alone you might be tempted to leave a TV show on so that they can stay distracted. We’re sure you’ve wondered whether or not that’s worked, but have you ever wondered about music? We know. Music for dogs sounds crazy, but there have been quite a few studies done…

The Healing Power of Dogs

The Healing Power of Dogs

Therapy dogs serve as professional comforters to those who need them most. And after the horrific shooting that occurred in the Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, there was an abundance of children and adults who needed comfort and care that these professionally trained therapy dogs were ready to provide. Read on to find out…

Does My Dog Need a Smart Collar?

Does My Dog Need a Smart Collar?

Usually, dog collars are just used for identification and contact purposes if your canine ever gets lost or attaching their leash for a walk. But did you know they can do so much more than that? With advanced technology, you can now get your pup a smart collar, giving you access to much more information…

Ways Dogs Comfort Us When We're Sick

Ways Dogs Comfort Us When We’re Sick

Even with all the technology and medicine in the world – sometimes all we want is our furry friends to help us feel better. Therapy dogs have been on the rise over the past few years, and it’s not a big surprise why. Our furry friends are great at relieving stress and sometimes even detecting…

Activities for Bonding with Your Dog

Activities for Bonding with Your Dog

Building a deep connection with your canine companion is what you hope for, but it isn’t something that happens overnight. You and your pooch may lock eyes and be in love at first sight, but it takes training, quality time, and lots of love and patience to build that unbreakable bond with your furry friend….

Fun Things to Do with Your Dog

Fun Things to do with Your Dog

Finding fun things to do with your dog can sometimes be challenging. Depending on how adventurous you and your pup are, it can be hard to come up with new and interesting things to do. Luckily there are thousands of dog owners who have the same problem! People are always coming up with new and…