How to Share a Dog After a Breakup

Our pets have a vibe detector; they can tell when things aren’t right, or change is coming. Breakups suck, even more so when a child (human or canine) is stuck in the middle. Luckily, dogs are highly adaptable, so whatever the next adventure is, they’ll be ready to follow you! Use this article to guide co-parenting your furry friends after a breakup!

Decide on Primary Caregiver

The first thing to do is establish a primary caregiver. This pet parent is in charge of regular Vet visits, grooming appointments, and spending lots of time with Fido. When deciding who should assume this role, consider traveling, work hours, and social schedules. If you’ll be gone most often, it’s best to let your furry friend go with the less-busy parent. Primary parents should be aware of feeding, bathroom, and possible medicine schedules, if needed, and should be on the same page about exercise and their canine health.

Make a Schedule

Deciding who will have direct ownership of the dog is another argument waiting to happen, so we suggest sharing custody of Fido! Post-breakup, pet parents should devise a balanced schedule accommodating their work routines and social calendars. This way, your furry friend will see you on your free days and your ex-partner on their days off! Even if you and your ex don’t get along, the common goal here is providing your pup the most love and affection!

Account for Pet Expenses

It’s unfair for one parent to cover all your dog’s expenses. These Vet bills, grooming appointments, and supplies can be a substantial financial burden for some, so it’s essential for the co-parent to help out. Each pet owner should put away small monthly amounts into a saving account for Fido’s expenses and split the costs when the bill comes.

Check out these related blogs for more dog tips!

Starting a Routine with Your Dog

What to Do Now That You’re a New Pet Parent

How to Puppy-Proof Your Home