
How to Share a Dog After a Breakup

Our pets have a vibe detector; they can tell when things aren’t right, or change is coming. Breakups suck, even more so when a child (human or canine) is stuck in the middle. Luckily, dogs are highly adaptable, so whatever the next adventure is, they’ll be ready to follow you! Use this article to guide…

How You Can Incorporate Training Into Your Daily Life

Dog training is essential to pet ownership; however, it doesn’t end once their training classes are over! Maintaining your pet’s training is quite important, not only to get your money’s worth, but also to keep Fido in tip-top shape. Adding basic obedience terms to your daily routine is one of the easiest ways to remind…

How to Stop Your Dog From Eating Your Houseplants

Everyone loves decorating with some greenery, and adding plants to your home can include many benefits. Natural plants can help improve air quality, and they’ve been linked to releasing stress… until your furry friend thinks your new ficus is a chew toy! Plants can either be helpful or harmful depending on if they’re appropriately placed…

Tips for Removing the Smell from Your Carpet

Tips for Removing Accident Smells from Your Carpet

It happens. No matter how young or old your dog is, accidents will happen. It’s nature. It’s easier for us to use the restroom because we have a designated spot and can get rid of it. Dogs rely on us to be taken out, which can be difficult if we are gone for long periods…

Tips for Walking Dogs in the Rain

Tips for Walking Dogs in the Rain

It’s time for your dog’s favorite part of the day. It’s time to go on a walk! Today is like any other day except for one major detail. It’s raining. How will you be able to give your dog an opportunity to exercise or use the bathroom while it’s raining? The answer is simple: Go…

Tips for Dog Owners with Picky Pups

Tips for Dog Owners with Picky Pups

Sometimes it can feel like there are either dogs who will eat just about anything you hand them and others who are absolute snobs when it comes to what they put in their mouth. If you have a pooch that sounds like the latter, you know that mealtime can sometimes be extremely frustrating. To help…

How to Measure Your Dog

How to Measure Your Dog

There are various reasons why you might want to measure your pup. Typically, though, you find yourself needing to measure Fido when purchasing clothing, boots, collars, or harnesses. To help you pick out items that are the best fit for your pooch, here are some tips on how to measure them properly. Measuring Your Dog’s…

Tips for Visiting a Drive in Theatre with Your Dog

Tips for Visiting a Drive in Theatre with Your Dog

Drive-in movies have been around since 1933 and are still providing us with entertainment today. With more people staying inside or social distancing, the opportunity to do fun activities has dwindled. And that’s exactly why you and your pooch should stop by a local drive-in the next time you can. If you’ve never been to…

Tips for Introducing Dogs to Each Other

Tips for Introducing Dogs to Each Other

Introducing two dogs for the first time can be a bit nerve-wracking. If not thought out ahead of time, you could risk the chance of the encounter going poorly and ruining any hope for a good relationship between the two pups in the future. First impressions matter, especially for dogs – so next time you’re…

Tips to Sharing an Apartment as a Dog Owner

Tips to Sharing an Apartment as a Dog Owner

You may adore your furball, but for others, they can be a huge responsibility, and if not appropriately trained, they can ruin your roommates living experience. To keep the peace, here are some tips for caring for your pooch with roommates. Keep Common Spaces Clean A big reason many people choose not to own pets is…

Tips for Teaching Your Dog How to Swim

Tips for Teaching Your Dog How to Swim

Some dogs are water babies who love to splash around and are natural born swimmers. Other dogs completely detest the thought of getting into a body of water, while the rest may not even know how they feel about swimming. Teaching your dog to swim has many benefits though, it’s a great source of exercise,…

Tips for Brushing Your Dog's Teeth

Tips for Brushing Your Dogs Teeth

Canine hygiene is essential but is often ignored or forgotten by many pet parents. You might have doggy dental chews, which are helpful, but they just don’t cut if you want to clean your pup’s teeth properly. To help in the prevention of plaque buildup, bad breath, decaying teeth, and gum disease here are some…