How to Measure Your Dog

How to Measure Your Dog

There are various reasons why you might want to measure your pup. Typically, though, you find yourself needing to measure Fido when purchasing clothing, boots, collars, or harnesses. To help you pick out items that are the best fit for your pooch, here are some tips on how to measure them properly.

Measuring Your Dog’s Height

Measuring your furry friend’s height is also known as measuring their topline or their back. To take an accurate measurement of this, you’ll want to start with a tape measure at the base of Fido’s neck (about where their collar is). Then measure all the way down to where the base of their tail begins.

Measuring Your Pup’s Neck

When measuring your pup’s neck, you’ll need to take a tape measure and loop it around their neck’s circumference. Try to position the tape between the ridge of their shoulder blades and the top of their chest. This is typically where their collar will sit comfortably, so you’ll want to follow the “two-finger rule” when measuring this area. This simply just means you should be able to slip two fingers under their collar, so it’s not too tight. And if you’re stuck between two sizes, it’s best to always go with the larger of the two.

Measuring Fido’s Chest

When measuring your canine’s chest, you’ll be measuring the largest part of their body. Start with the tape measure just behind their front legs, and then wrap the tape around the circumference of their chest. Once again, you’ll want to use the “two-finger rule” here because these measurements are typically used for harnesses and clothing, so you don’t want it to be too snug on Fido.

Measuring Your Furry Friend’s Paws

Probably the easiest way to measure your pup’s paws is by having them step on a piece of paper and then outlining their paw with a pencil. From there, you can just reference your outline depending on what specific measurements a shoe company is suggesting for the best doggy boot fit.

Being able to measure your pooch successfully is crucial if you want them to be safe and comfortable in the items you buy for them.