Tips for First Time Dog Owners

Bringing a dog into your life is an extremely exciting and life changing time. You get to add an amazing partner to your life and enjoy all the perks of this new buddy. While it is amazing to bring a dog into your home, it can also be a very stressful time. You don’t always know what is coming or what to expect. You may have some stumbles, but luckily many people have been in your place before you. It is a huge responsibility to get a dog, and it is important to remember to keep your pet healthy and safe. Here are some tips on how to be the best first time dog owner around.

Think Proactively

The first step of getting a dog is to make sure you can handle all the responsibilities. You need to make sure you’re in a good position to be getting a dog. Do you have the time and energy to be potty training and doing obedience training? If not, can you provide your dog classes for training? You should be budgeting the amount of money you’re going to be spending on food, toys, etc. Account for cleaning up after your dog and talking them on walks/play dates. Health care and grooming are all expenses that need to be accounted for.

Research and Ask Friends for Advice

As much as you can find information online about best tips and tricks for raising your dog, it is also important to reach out your family and friends with dogs. Ask about best places to go in your area with your dog, such as parks or veterinarians. Ask about ways they schedule their days in order to give their dogs the best experience. If your adopting from someone, ask them about their personality and the things they like. You can also ask about how they react to certain types of people or they have specific problems you need to work on.

Make Some Key Purchases

Buying supplies is a huge step in prepping to bringing home your puppy. Try to get all of this supplies before your pup gets home you don’t have to be worried about not having what they need. Here’s a few things you’ll need:

  • Leash
  • Collar and ID tag
  • Dog food
  • Dog toys
  • Bedding and crate
  • Stainless steel food and water bowls
  • Package of disposable doggy waste bags

Spend Time Together and Plan Activities

You want to make sure you are bonding with your dog as soon as you can and spending time with them. Block off time every day to explore and bond with him. Having a connection will make it easier for you to train and potty train. You can also bring them around the house and have them explore at their own pace. Overtime your pup will introduce themselves to all the rooms and get familiar with the space. If you can’t be home, make sure you’re hiring a caretaker or someone who can take your dog on walks. You also need to take your dog on outings and give them a chance to socialize with other pups/people.

Hopefully now you feel more prepared to be a dog owner! Good luck!