Austin Dog Training Interview Regarding Dog Attacks

Sit Means Sit Austin dog training was interviewed by Fox News this week asking my opinion about if a dog bites a person should that dog always be destroyed. Of course, my answer is no, not always and not in most cases – if the owner will address the problem. Most dogs can be rehabilitated and trained. It is almost never the dogs fault (and by fault I mean they are actually wired wrong). Dogs that bite usually lack socialization and/or direction and training and often bite from fear. It is the owners responsibility to seek out training and protect the public from an aggressive dog (I was actually misquoted on this point in the new segment below). I would prefer that owners seek out a good dog training program, like we have at Sit Means Sit, and address the issue.

It upsets me when I hear people say they want their dog to remain aggressive as a guard dog. There is a huge difference between a guard dog and an aggressive dog. A true guard dog is trained and only guards when it is necessary and when told to do so. An aggressive dog is a dog that is not trained and the owner does not have control of when he is aggressive and when he is not.

Anyway, there are some good shots of my dogs Joson and Jato near the end of this news clip if you are interested…

Should Attack Dogs be Euthanized? :