Austin Dog Training – Purebred Beagle “Help, My Ears Are Too Big For Me!”

Beagle Running in a Field

Client’s Name: Ryan and Amy

Dog’s Name: “Lexi”

City: Round Rock, TX 78665

Breed: Purebred Beagle

Likes: Lexi loves to have her belly rubbed!

Pet-Peeves: She doesn’t like listening very much! And hates that her ears are so big they get wet when she drinks from her water dish!

Favorite Toy: Lexi loves her squeaky monkey toy – or at least she likes dismembering it!

Favorite Treat: She loves peanut butter in her Kong, yum!

Favorite Walk: So far just around the neighborhood, we’re still working on our walking etiquette!

Best Trick: She only knows sit so far, but she’s learning.

Arrival Story: We saw Lexi’s picture online and fell in love with her giant ears and sad eyes!

Why Training / Sit Means Sit: This is our first time training a puppy, or any dog for that matter, and wanted the best for our Lexi!  We want to be able to take her anywhere and have her be happy, but well behaved!

Motto: “Sit doesn’t mean sit (yet!)”