Winter Dog Walks

Some dogs absolutely love winter; others can barely be persuaded to get outside to take care of business. Whichever part of the spectrum your dog claims, winter can be dangerous to dogs, and there are simple things that you can do to prevent bad situations. At Sit Means Sit, we are the best of all the dog training schools in Wisconsin, because we know what it takes to keep your canine friend healthy and happy.

In our last blog, we went over the issues that de-icer and antifreeze can cause for your dog. In this blog, we will give you some tips for making winter outings pleasant and safe for everyone involved.

  1. If your dog can work with them, boots are a great way to prevent his feet and pads from chafing and irritation.
  2. Dogs with short fur or low body fat will do better with a waterproof sweater or coat.
  3. Prevent your dog from eating snow – there may be hidden objects in it, and it may upset his stomach.
  4. More dogs get lost during winter than any other season, so keep your dog on a leash.
  5. Limit your trip’s length to prevent hypothermia and frostbite.

At our dog training school in Wisconsin, we absolutely love dogs. We understand that no matter your dog’s feelings about winter, everything goes better when the two of you are on the same page. If you and your dog are struggling, contact us today for a free consultation. We have the experience required to both understand and fix what is going on.