Golden Retriever Dog Training

Your Name: Renee

Dogs Name: Haley

City: Janesville

Zip Code: 53546

Breed: golden retriever

Where did you get your Baby from?: Breeder

Likes?: Be petted! 🙂 Have treats and bones

Pet Peeves:None really, just likes to be with us all of the time!!! makes a lot of noise when we are getting treats out of the jar (no barking, just tap dancing and humming)

Facorite toy? none

Favorite treat? raw hide

Best Trick: Sit

Arrival Story:
Haley came to us last year in October. She is currently seven. She was rescued from a breeder who was finished having litters.

Motto: Happy feet

Why Training/ Sit Means Sit:
We are looking to continue beyond these sessions for haley to become a therapy dog. She is such a momma’s girl, that we would love for her to be able to obey the command stay (with someone else) when we are in the room.