Check Out These Amazing Smart Collars For Dogs

Check Out These Amazing Smart Collars for Dogs!

Are you looking for a collar upgrade for your companion? A smart collar may be just the thing for you and your pup! So, read below to learn about some fantastic dog smart collars with cool technological features!


The Fi collar uses GPS technology to track your dog with the FI app remotely. Plus, the Series 3 collar offers a live tracking feature, which comes in handy if your pal ever gets out. Additionally, the app features an activity history tracker to see where your pal has been, not just where they currently are. Plus, you can track your dog’s steps, activity, and sleep with the collar. All of these features allow you to help your canine be in tip-top shape! Lastly, it is lightweight and waterproof, and the charge lasts three months!

Whistle Switch

The Whistle Switch uses an app to translate data into easy-to-understand insights. The app subscription includes GPS monitoring, activity tracking, health monitoring, daily check-ins, achievements, and reminders. Being able to monitor health concerns and problems allows you to be proactive! Additionally, the collar comes with two interchangeable batteries to ensure you can always keep tabs on your furry friend. Plus, the collar is waterproof up to 6ft in depth and has a 6-month warranty.


The Halo Smart Collar was designed with the help of dog whisperer Cesar Milan. This collar features real-time GPS tracking activity tracking, and you can create up to 20 Geo-fences within the app. Additionally, the collar features a 24-hour battery life and magnetic charging. Lastly, there are three available Halo protection plans that offer different features and benefits for being a member.

Smart collars offer incredible features that you and your pup can enjoy. So, look through the brands and features above to choose the best option for you and your furry friend!