How Often Should My Dog Take a Bath?

How Often Should My Dog Take a Bath?

Splish, splash, your dog may not like baths, but bathing them is very important! Bathing our dogs improves their hygiene and overall skin health. To raise a healthy and happy dog, you should adopt a regular bathing schedule to keep you on target. Not sure how often your dog should be bathing? Read on to learn more about how often you should bathe your dog.

Factors that Determine How Often You Should Bathe Your Dog

Before you figure out how often you should be bathing your dog, there are a few factors that contribute to bath frequency. First, hair length can make a big difference in how often your dog needs a bath. If your dog’s hair is longer, it can easily trap dirt and debris, making baths more necessary. However, even short dog hair can get greasy and smelly, so keep tabs on your dog’s appearance and smell. Your dog’s activity level can also make a big difference in their need for baths: is your pup constantly digging holes and rolling around outside? They’ll need to be bathed more often than a dog that primarily hangs out indoors. Lastly, if your dog has any skin conditions or allergies, they may need a bath more or less frequently.

General Bathing Rules

If your dog seems pretty average as far as hair length, activity, and skin conditions, in general, it’s advised that you wash your furry friend at least once every three months. You can wash your dog as much as every other week, but you shouldn’t wash them any more than that unless you have some gentle dog shampoo that won’t irritate and dry out your pup’s delicate skin. You can usually be safe just exercising your best judgment — if your dog seems smelly or dirtier than usual, it’s probably time for a bath.

How to Bathe Your Dog

The first step in bathing your dog is to make sure you have the proper supplies to do so! Use dog-specific or baby shampoo to avoid skin irritation or burning if any suds get in your pooch’s eyes. Before hopping in the bath or hose, be sure to brush your dog. This will get rid of all of the tangles and loose fur. Once you start washing your dog, start with their feet and work your way up to their face last. Scrub in large, circular motions, making sure you’re getting every part of your dog. When you’re finished scrubbing, rinse their head first and work your way down their body. This will help shampoo stream away from your dog’s sensitive spots. When you’re done, either blow dry or towel down your dog, and you’re done!

Tips for Bathing Stubborn Dogs

It’s no secret — many dogs hate nothing more than bath time. However, dogs are creatures of habit, so if you keep their bathing schedule consistent and always bathe them in the same place in your house, this can prevent stubborn pups from throwing a fit when bath time rolls around. Along with consistency, making bath time fun is a great way to make bath time a positive part of your dog’s day. Reward good behavior during bath time with treats and soothing words to make your dog understand that they are in a safe and positive environment. We can’t promise that your dog will be begging for baths, but this should at least make them slightly more compliant!

Bath time is one of the most important times of day! Your dog will be fluffier, cleaner, and more energized by their consistent bath schedule.