Keeping Your Home Clean & Your Dog Healthy

Keeping Your Home Clean & Your Dog Healthy

Dogs may love to roll around outside and get dirty, but when it comes to their living space, it’s important that you keep it as clean as possible. Keeping your home clean will prevent your dog from getting ill and keep them happy.

Parental Duty

It may come as a surprise, but mother dogs work hard to keep their pup’s environments as clean as possible, despite the mess that young puppies make when they’re first born! As a pet parent, it is now your responsibility to clean up for your dog just as their mother would. You may think your dog can handle filth better than us, but just as you would keep your baby’s environment clean, you should consistently clean up for your dog.

Better for Body and Mind

Doing your best to keep your dog’s living area as clean as possible is not only better for their physical health, but also their mental health. Dogs have extremely powerful noses, and constantly sniffing old trash or dust could make them anxious, hungry, or prone to sneezing. To keep your dog as happy and stress-free as possible, clean up after yourself! Your dog will appreciate it more than you know.

Use Natural Cleaning Products

While avoiding dirt and grime is very important for your dog’s health, you should also avoid cleaning products that contain harsh chemicals like ammonia, chlorine, and formaldehyde. Natural cleaning products are much safer to use around your dog. These cleaning products are environmentally friendly and don’t contain the same harmful chemicals as unnatural cleaners. They will also prevent your furniture, counters, and bathrooms from getting worn down prematurely.

Being a pet parent is a big commitment, but you should always put your pet’s health first whenever possible. Thorough cleanliness will keep your dog as far away from harmful bacteria that could lead to some expensive trips to the vet and a very unhappy pup. For your benefit and your dog’s, don’t forget to clean their living spaces!