Tips for Grooming Dogs with Anxiety

The easiest part about grooming your dog is booking the appointment! Once booked, it’s time to start mentally preparing your dog to be handled by a stranger with suspicious tools. Anxious dogs do not enjoy being without their owners, especially passed off to someone else, and they aren’t a fan of the buzz of the clippers. However, anxious dog parents don’t need to worry, as there are many ways to prepare Fido for their hair appointment, like wearing them out or trying relaxing treats! Use this article as a guide before taking your dog to the groomer for a stress-free experience for you and your fur baby.

Exercise Beforehand

Doing some exercise before your appointment is an effective way to wear out your dog so it will be calm during the session. Take them on a walk around the neighborhood, dog park, or even the parking lot of the groomer; a tired dog is a happy dog. This allows them to use the potty and get those zoomies out beforehand.

Anti-Anxiety Treats

Pet parents should carry some treats to the appointment to maintain a positive environment for the stressed dog. Regular treats are great, but there are also calming formula treats now too! Zesty Paws Calming Bites are peanut butter or turkey-flavored soft chews with a blend of hemp seed, chamomile, and L-Thanine to keep Fido calm, composed, and relaxed. Another great option pet parents reach for is the all-natural Chew + Heal Anxiety & Stress Dog Supplements, made with thiamine, melatonin, and L-tryptophane to reduce stress and tension within Fido’s environment.

Recurring Groomer

Maintaining a regular relationship with your groomer is beneficial for diffusing stress from your pooch. Your dog will be more comfortable with a familiar face brushing them rather than a stranger. Pet parents should research groomers in the area to see if any specialize in anxious dogs or ask your Vet for any recommendations!

Play it Cool

If you’re stressed, your dog is stressed. Act as though the groomer is one of your friends coming over, and greet them with enthusiasm; your dog will pick up on these vibes during their initial assessment of the novel situation. If you’re calm, the dog is calm.

Check out these related articles for more dog grooming tips!

Dog Grooming Basic Tips

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