Is My Puppy Teething?

Is My Puppy Teething?

Teething is a completely normal part of the puppy process. To combat the pain of their new teeth growing in, puppies will regularly teeth. As a pet parent, here’s some information on teething in puppies that can be extremely helpful.

But Why is My Puppy Chewing on Everything?

You might discover that your canine is chewing on your furniture, other people, and just about anything else they can get their paws on. Not only is this an attempt to soothe the discomfort that their new sets of teeth are causing them as they come in, but it’s also how dogs learn about their environment. Our furry friends learn a lot about things through the way they feel, and a dog’s main source of touching and grabbing things is done with their mouth.

To prevent your pup from chewing on things they’re not supposed to, be sure you provide them with an ample amount of chew and teething toys. Additionally, try to keep things off the ground and out of paws reach.

When Will My Pup’s Baby Teeth Fall Out?

Puppies will typically begin teething at around 3 weeks old, and by the age of 6 weeks, all of their deciduous teeth (baby teeth) should start being pushed out. A dog’s incisors (the teeth at the front of their mouth) and their canine teeth (the sharp, fang-like teeth) will start being pushed out first; then their premolars will go next. At around 12 weeks, the baby teeth should begin to actually fall out, with their permanent teeth coming through. By the time a canine is 6 months old, all of their baby teeth are typically gone.

What Should I Do About Destructive Teething?

If your pup is chewing up things they’re not supposed to, you need to make sure that they’re not rewarded for this behavior. If your puppy tries teething on your hands or other body parts, yelp a high pitched shriek, pull away, and go somewhere else. It’s also wise to check in with Fido’s veterinarian to get their advice on the best action to take. Since puppies are naturally full of energy and curious about the world around them, it’s easier and much more productive to try to redirect their energy through plenty of exercising.

Teething in puppies can be an annoying and sometimes even painful phase. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, knowing that they will eventually grow out of it.