
The Best Cooling Mats for Dogs in 2023

The Best Cooling Mats for Dogs in 2023

Keeping your pup nice and cool in the summer can be hard. But one of the best ways to keep your pooch nice and chill is cooling pads! We’ve picked out the best cooling pads that are perfect for keeping Fido cool during the summer. Arf Pets Cooling Pad  This gel cooling mat is foldable,…

How to Tell If Your Dog Is Choking

What Should I Do if My Dog is Choking?

It’s every pet parent’s worst nightmare. Your dog is in life-threatening trouble, and you don’t know what to do. Dogs can get hurt easily, and choking is one of the many hazards dog face. This guide will tell you what to do if your pup is choking.  Check if your pup is choking.  If your…

Should I Get a Smart Collar for My Dog?

As pet owners, we all want to keep our furry friends safe and healthy. One way to do that is by using smart collars for dogs, which offer a range of features designed to help you keep track of your pet’s location, health, and behavior. Let’s explore what smart collars for dogs are, how they…

The Best Games to Play with Your Puppy

Playing games with your puppy is a fun and rewarding way to bond with them and provide mental and physical stimulation. Not only do games help your puppy learn important skills, but they can also prevent boredom and destructive behavior. Here are some of the best games to play with your puppy: Fetch Fetch is…

The Benefits of Having a Pet Carrier for your Dog

Most pet owners would consider pet carriers an essential item. When it comes to traveling, car rides, or leaving your pet home alone, pet carriers will always come in handy. Here are the top benefits of pet carriers. Safety The main benefit of having a pet carrier is safety. Not only does a pet carrier…

Exciting News for Eco-Friendly Pet Parents

Hearing about climate change every day on the news or on social media can often leave people with a feeling of dread. Much of the climate news we hear is about how we are spiraling into climate doom and may make it seem like all hope is lost. However, we don’t always hear about some…

Regular Walks Could Help Fight Against Dog Dementia

So, we all know that there are countless benefits to taking our dogs on walks. They range from preventing weight gain to controlling their energy levels, so they are more well-behaved. However, a new study conducted by the University of Washington and the Dog Aging Project has looked at the rates of dementia and dogs,…

What Ringworm Looks Like on Animals

If you suspect your dog may have ringworm, here is everything you need to know on how to spot it, treat it, and prevent it from spreading. What is Ringworm? While many people believe that ringworm is a parasite, it is actually a fungal infection of your dog’s skin, hair, and claws. The fungus that…

Canines Perfect for Tiny Dog Lovers

If you want a puppy but don’t want them to grow up into a big dog that takes over your home, you can get a forever puppy by adopting a micro dog! Teacup breeds are extremely popular as they stay very small for their whole lives, some never getting bigger than 5 or so pounds….

Halloween Costumes You Can Do With Your Dog

With Halloween right around the corner, you’ve probably started your costume hunt. Here’s an idea: get your dog in on the action by incorporating them into your costume! Here are our favorite costumes you can do with your dog. Mary Poppins Dress up as Mary Poppins or Bert and get your dog a cute little…