Things You’re Doing That Your Dog Probably Doesn’t Like

Things You’re Doing That Your Dog Probably Doesn’t Like

Though we are best friends with our companions, we don’t always understand each other. There are some things they do you don’t understand. So, there are some things you do that are weird to them too.

Pat on The Head

Most dogs dislike being pat on the head, even if it is intended to be affectionate. However, your pup will usually enjoy having their heads, face, and ears gently stroked. Stroking will make them happy and they will keep wanting more of this kind of attention.

Hugs And Kisses

Though it is hard to believe, canines do not naturally show affection through hugs. Hugs often cause dogs to show signs of stress. This includes tightly closed mouths, pulled-back ears, rigid muscles, and furrowed brows. Additionally, human kisses are not the same as “doggy kisses” and do not have the same meaning to your pooch. For example, dogs may find your face in theirs scary, threatening, or just annoying. They may pull back their ears, become tense or even run off. Though your pup loves you more than anything, kisses and hugs are not the way to show them affection.

Holding Up a Game of Fetch

If while playing a game of fetch with fido you picked up the ball and held it while giving your dog praise, chances are they are annoyed with you. Your pup will think you are hogging the ball and may become disinterested in the game. Instead, you should immediately throw the ball after your companion returns it to you.

Holding Their Paw While Standing

While your pal may be okay with having their paws touched or held while they are sitting, standing is a different story. Your canine may feel unstable or may associate it with nail trimming or paw cleaning. Additionally, holding their back paw while standing is even more disliked.

Citrus Scented Products

Most dogs are bothered by the smell of lemons, oranges, and other citrus scents. Many products meant to deter canines from chewing on objects or eating plants are often citrus scented. However, we don’t want our pups to be deterred from their favorite spot in the house or us! So, you should avoid lotions, shampoos, air fresheners, or candles with a citrus scent.

Wearing Clothes

Though we love to see your furry friends dressed up for an occasion or just for fun, our companions don’t have the same joy. Many dogs become tense, pull back their ears, and show other body languages that indicate their discomfort. This is especially true for constricting and tight clothing.

Knowing what your dog likes and what they don’t enjoy will be appreciated by your four-legged friend. Your companion may not be bothered by some of the things on this list. You should always be observant of their body language and response to specific situations.