Beware of Craiglist Puppy Scams

Puppy scams increased by 500% in 2020. But, what exactly is a puppy scam?

What Are Puppy Scams?

Scammers will post ads on Craigslist stating they have puppies for sale. However, most of the time they do not actually have a puppy or will give you a different puppy than pictured. These scammers will ask for payments for the puppy, vaccinations, and delivery before you even meet the pup. The seller may even seem interested in your ability to take care of the puppy they are selling. This makes them appear compassionate and legitimate. However, it can be hard to detect these scams because they can be very believable.

How to Detect a Puppy Scam

The biggest red flag of puppy scams is the seller’s eagerness to sell. Despite their reasons for selling the puppy, or the emotional appeal they offer, they want to sell the puppy quickly. They may tell you that they can’t keep the dog because they are moving or because it belonged to a loved one that passed. These explanations are meant to build sympathy and trust with them. Also, the seller may constantly reassure you that their ad is not a scam. This is another red flag for puppy scams.

Additionally, they will ask for payment before you meet the furry friend they are offering or even promising you. The scammer may tell you they are unavailable to meet but will ship the dog to you after you wire payment to them. It is very reasonable to request to meet the puppy before paying. So, do not let the scammer trick you into losing money.

Also, it is worrisome when the seller insists on communicating through email only and won’t provide you with a phone number to contact. It is easier for the scammer to disappear after receiving the money if they only communicate through email. A legitimate seller will give you a phone number and will want to speak with you.

Lastly, be wary of ads that list puppies at a low price. This is especially true if the ad claims the puppy is a pure breed. Additionally, if the post has little information, few pictures, or poor grammar, it is important to analyze the post further to determine if it is legitimate.

How to Avoid a Puppy Scam

If you suspect you are being tricked into a puppy scam you should:

  • ask to meet the seller and the puppy face-to-face
  • do not send payments before meeting the puppy
  • do not provide personal banking information or your social security number
  • ask for proof of health records
  • ask for documentation proving the breed

These scams can happen to anyone. So, it is important to know how to spot a potential scam. Follow the tips above if you are looking online to adopt!