Tips for Including Your Dog in Your Christmas Photos

Whether you are sending out holiday cards or just making a social media post, it can be lots of fun to include our furry friends! Read below to learn some tips to make the picture-taking process smoother.


Choose the room, backdrop, or any furniture you want for your holiday photo. Then, practice sitting and posing with your companion. This will get your furry friend comfortable sitting in that location with you and make the photo-taking just a bit easier!

Light and Angles

Facing your pal toward a light source will bring out the color of their fur and eyes. This doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Even a large window or glass door with sunlight shining through will work great! Also, try getting down to your dog’s level. Sit or lay down with them and bring the camera down to that level too to get the best photo!

Treats and Sounds

Have your designated photographer use treats to get your furry friend’s attention. Or, use squeakers, toys, or words (like walk or car) that usually get them excited! Remember to reward them with treats too for being such a good dog!


Keep anything away and out of sight that may distract your pup. This includes any foods or things your pal may want to chew on. Additionally, if you have any little kids in the photo too, be sure that they are not causing stress to your companion. This includes squeezing, climbing, sitting, or pulling on your pup.

Be Willing to Take Lots of Pictures!

You may have to make some adjustments to your poses or location if your pal isn’t comfortable. Go with the flow and try something new! Take lots of pictures through all your trials and errors so you don’t miss a great shot!

Keep it Fun and Take Breaks

Don’t force anything and make sure your pup is having fun! The more fun you are having the more genuine the photo. Also, take breaks as needed. Especially if you notice any stress signaling body language.

Our companions are such an important part of the family. So, what better way to include them in the festive fun than taking a holiday photo! Follow the tips above to show off your pup to your friends and family this holiday season.