The Best Way to Clean Your Dog After Visiting the Beach

The Best Way to Clean Your Dog After Visiting the Beach

Most dogs love taking a trip to the beach with their families. Unfortunately, if you happen to be a proud owner of a pup that thinks it’s a ton of fun to roll around and dig in the sand, you’re going to be taking some of the beach home with you. If you don’t want to be vacuuming for days to get rid of every last grain of sand in your home and vehicle, you’ll need to put some precautions in place. However, no matter how hard you try, your dog will still end up with sand trapped in his paw pads, fur, and on his skin. Here our several things you can do to keep excess sand out of your dog’s coat and your car:

  1. Keep your dog’s coat short. If you plan to spend a lot of time at the beach this summer, it may be a good idea to keep your dog’ coat short. Short hair does not trap dirt easily.
  2. Brush your dog’s coat before the beach. Keeping your dog’s coat brushed and free from mats or knots is a great way to prevent buildup from sand or other beach debris.
  3. Do a final rinse in the water before getting in the car. After a day at the beach, it’s a good idea to have your dog do a final dip in the water to remove as much excess sand from his body as possible.
  4. Towel dry well. It is wise to use a plush towel to dry and remove any sand that may be sticking to the coat. This will help promote quick drying and will also loosen up any debris sitting deep in the fur.
  5. Use a crate to transport your dog home. Using a crate can help keep sand in one central location, making it easier for you to clean. When you arrive home, shake the crate bedding while outside, so the sand doesn’t end up in your washing machine.

Removing Stubborn Sand From Your Dog’s Coat

There is no avoiding the fact that your dog will still have some sand for you to remove when at home. There are several ways to safely remove the sand from your dog’s coat. It is important to note that rarely all of the sand in removed in one attempt. Several attempts may be necessary to get a sand-free coat.

Use the Hose

Keeping sand outdoors is the best way to avoid excess dirt and debris in your home. After your day at the beach, take time to hose as much excess sand out of your dog’s coat as possible. This will provide an excellent start to removing dirt. Be sure to towel dry your dog very well after. This step will loosen up any sand remaining in the fur, making it easier to remove.

Give a Bath With Mild Shampoo 

Lather your pup up with a mild shampoo, making sure to gently maneuver your fingers right down to the skin. Your dog will love the massage. This will help unleash the any sand that has attached itself to the skin. Be sure to thoroughly rinse your dog to remove all sand and soap; both of which can irritate the skin if not properly removed.

Brush Your Pup

Sand is most easily removed from a dry coat, so be sure to give him a good brush once he is towel dried. Brushing your dog with a pin or slicker brush will help pinpoint any stubborn sand particles refusing to come free.

Repeat as Necessary

Unfortunately, rarely is all sand removed from the coat in one bathing attempt. This means you may have to repeat the process. Yes, sand can be frustrating for you to clean up, but the time spent having fun with your best canine pal at the beach makes it all worthwhile.

If you have any other tips or suggestions on the best ways to clean your furry friend after the beach, we would love to hear them!