Sit Means Sit Golden Retriever Puppy

5 Tips for Training a Golden Retriever Puppy

With their boundless energy, playful nature, and their need for mental stimulation, Golden Retriever puppies need training— though that can seem like a daunting task! Our team of expert dog trainers in Chicago and beyond know what it takes to make your pup the perfect family pet.

When Stacy McGowan and her family brought their Golden Retriever to us, she was a source of frustration for the family. After going through the Sit Means Sit board and train program, Stacy says:

“Kerry is AMAZING with dogs and their owners. She is straightforward, positive, and flexible. We were feeling pretty frustrated with our “spirited” golden retriever, but after our board & train she is now so pleasant and fun to be around. This training works. Thank you, Kerry!”

How did we do it? Read our top 5 tips on how to train a golden retriever puppy!

1. Don’t Forget to Socialize Your Puppy!

Before training even begins, learn the proper way to socialize your puppy. If you want a friendly and social dog, socialization is one of the most important steps! Puppies have what’s called a “socialization period” that closes at 3 months of age where you want to ensure they have a positive encounter with everything they may encounter as an adult.

Take your puppy to socialization classes (only after they’ve been properly vaccinated!), like the Sit Means Sit group classes. Group class is a safe environment where you can work on socialization and ask for help as needed. We hold our group classes in a variety of public places, making it easy to get your puppy used to local parks and stores they may visit!

2. Take Advantage of Their Love of Food

Golden Retrievers love food; if they could talk, they would tell their owners that they live to eat rather than eat to live. Find treats that motivate them and use those treats to reward their positive behavior.

A dog diet tip- if you’re using lots of treats throughout a training session, cut back on the kibble you feed in the evenings or mornings! More snacks mean more calories throughout the day and you don’t want your dog to become overweight.

3. Focus on Basic Obedience

It might be cute to ask your dog for a high-five, but if your Golden Retriever won’t perform standard commands such as “sit” or “stay”, they might frustrate you. Testing boundaries, not listening, rambunctiousness— all typical adolescent behaviors— can plague Golden Retrievers starting at around 8-10 months.

During this time, it’s important to focus on standard commands such as:

  • Name recognition
  • Sit
  • Stand
  • Down
  • Quiet
  • Come
  • Leave it

There may be more commands that fit your family’s needs and lifestyles that an expert trainer will be able to assist you with.

4. Start Training Early

Training a Golden Retriever puppy should start as soon as you bring it into your home. This is a breed known for their incredibly high intelligence, meaning you’ll find they learn quickly as long as you’re persistent and consistent in your training.

Knowing where to start can get confusing. That’s why we highly recommend working with expert trainers.

5. Keep a Positive Attitude

If you’re frustrated, your dog will pick up on it. Stay positive, take breaks when you need them, and remain persistent to get the best results from your training.

You don’t have to train all on your own! Sit Means Sit is here to help!

Contact Our Expert Dog Trainers Today!