Labrador Retriever Puppy Learns Basic Obedience

Clients: Erica and Joe MorganLabrador Learns Basic Obedience

City, State: Crest Hill, IL

Breed: Black Lab

Likes: Cuddling, Toys, Fetch

Pet-Peeves: Training in the heat, allergies, when Mom or Dad leave the house.

Favorite Toy: Baby

Best Trick: Sit until released

Arrival Story: Stella’s parents got her from Hart when she was 3-4 months old.  Her transportation to Illinois was so brutal that she has cuts on her ears from other dogs attacking her.  Erica took one look at her and knew she needed out of there and needed a forever home.  She had Joe come down to look at her and it was love at first sight.  Now Stella has to very loving parents.