Dog Safety Tips

Dog Safety: Foods You Should Never Feed Your Pup

Though most vets would discourage you from feeding your pup any ‘human food,’ the fact is most dog lovers slip their best friend a special treat from time to time. While many foods common in the human diet are perfectly safe for dog consumption, others are actually quite dangerous. As your go-to Denver dog trainers,…

Why is Chocolate So Dangerous For Dogs?

It’s Valentine’s Day! We all know what that means, most of us will indulge in sweet treats to celebrate. While this is a fun excuse to treat ourselves, it is important to keep chocolates and other sweets, intended for human consumption, out of the reach of our beloved pets. As your go-to Denver dog trainers,…

Dog Safety Tips: Play it Safe This Halloween

It’s hard to believe that it’s already the time of year to dress ourselves, and our pets, up as ghosts and goblins. Here at Sit Means Sit South Denver, this is one of our favorite times of year. However, we always like to warn that Halloween isn’t for everyone. While you and your little ones…

Dog Safety Tips: Hiking 101

For most Coloradans hiking is a favorite pastime in the warm summer months. For us dog lovers, hiking is the perfect opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors with our pets. If you and your pooch are new to hiking, or it’s been awhile, it’s a good idea to brush up on dog hiking safety. Hiking…

Beat the Heat with these Dog Safety Tips

With temperatures soaring in recent days, many of us are looking for any excuse to beat the summer heat. Our furry companions are no exception. Depending on your pup’s breed and level of health, they may be more susceptible to overheating than many of their canine pals. If your dog is spending a lot of…

How To Train Dogs To Ride in Your Car

Traveling in your car with your pup should not be a stressful experience for either you or your dog. From summer car trips to outdoor adventures, there is no need to miss out on good times together due to anxiety or bad behavior. If you find it frustrating to take your dog along for car…

Happy Memorial Day from Sit Means Sit South Denver

Spring is in the air, and graduation season is upon us. This can only mean one thing, it’s time for the first holiday weekend of the summer. The warm weather is the perfect excuse to head to the lake, go camping, take a hike or simply grill at home. And the best part, most of…

Spring Activities to Enjoy with Your Dog

As the weather warms, Colorado is alive with many opportunities for outdoor fun. Though we’re known the world-over for our winter sports, there are endless options for outdoor fun in Colorado in the summer as well. This is especially true for doggie moms and dads. While dogs typically enjoy frolicking in the snow, our extreme…

Tips For Preparing Your Dog to Fly On A Plane

Taking flight with your furry companion can be a bit stressful, especially if it’s for the first time. With summer travel plans underway, many of us are likely exploring the option. However, there is no need to fear. With a little preparation, you and your pup can prepare to fly the friendly skies with ease….

Dog Safety Tips: Snow Survival Guide

With all of the snow we have received recently, it only seems fitting to share these dog friendly snow survival tips. Whether you and your furry companion prefer to bear the elements or avoid them, chances are at least a few of these will come in handy between now and the last snowfall of the…