Tips For Preparing Your Dog to Fly On A Plane

Taking flight with your furry companion can be a bit stressful, especially if it’s for the first time. With summer travel plans underway, many of us are likely exploring the option. However, there is no need to fear. With a little preparation, you and your pup can prepare to fly the friendly skies with ease.

Select the Airline Carefully

As you compare flights and explore your options, be sure to look into the specific policies of the airlines you are considering. Each will have very different guidelines. Be sure to select the airline that offers pet handling policies with which you are the most comfortable.

Carry-On or Travel Cargo?

Consider where your pup will be traveling. Depending on the airline and the size of your pet, they will either be traveling in the cabin with you or beneath the cabin in cargo. In most cases, a dog small enough to travel in a soft carrier, can be carried on. If your dog is too big to travel in the cabin, keep in mind that temperatures in the cargo area can be very extreme. For this reason, many airlines only allow pets to travel in cargo during specific times of year. The fees for your pet’s journey will vary based upon which area of the plane they travel in.

Reinforce Your Training Ahead of Time

Traveling with a dog who is out of control can add another element of stress. Be sure to work with your pup to reinforce their dog training skills before reporting to the airport. No matter which area of the plane they are traveling in, both you and your pet will have a more enjoyable journey if they are on their best behavior.

Be Well Documented

No matter which area of the plane your pet is traveling in, you will be required to prove that they are deemed healthy enough to fly. See your veterinarian before your trip for the proper documentation.

Pack Carefully

Be sure to put extra padding in your dog’s carrier to ensure their comfort on the flight. Clearly label the crate with your name address and contact information as well as your dog’s name. Also be sure to carry a recent picture of your dog as well as picture of their crate, should you have any issue locating them after your flight. Finally, be sure to bring a leash to escort your pup in and out of the airport.

Get to the Airport on Time

Depending on the airline’s policies, you may have to report to the airport for an early check in; especially if your dog is traveling in cargo. Make sure you confirm required check-in times and inquire about cargo check-in. You may find that it is in a separate section of the airport.


While it can be nerve-wracking to travel with your dog, it is important to stay calm. If an airline allows you to fly with your pet, you must trust that they will see to your pet’s safety. Follow the airline’s direction carefully and relax and enjoy the flight.

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