South Denver

Play Time: Keeping Your Dog Active

Playtime: Keeping Your Dog Active

Just like their human companions, dogs can get a little lazy at times, particularly as they get older. If you have recently begun to notice your pup displaying less enthusiasm for active play, it’s important to help them get back into the routine of activity. At Sit Means Sit South Denver, we proudly offer dog…

The Importance of Regular Visits to the Vet

The Importance of Regular Visits to the Vet

Going to the doctor is something most of us should do a better job prioritizing. Unfortunately, the same goes for many pet owners and veterinary visits. Sticking to a regular routine with vet check-ups is a very important responsibility for dog moms and dads. At Sit Means Sit South Denver, this is something we regularly…

englewood dog training: why is your dog timid

Why is Your Dog Timid?

If your pup often exhibits timid behavior you’re not alone. We often hear from pet owners who simply can’t understand why their dog would feel insecure or scared. Rest assured that it’s often the result of a circumstance or character traits beyond your control. However, as the leading providers of dog training services in and…



At Sit Mean Sit South Denver, dog training isn’t just what we do, it’s our passion. As leading providers of dog training in Lakewood and the surrounding communities, we have the pleasure of watching dogs and their owners make major strides week after week. It’s this progress that keeps us going and helps hundreds of…

Tips for Comforting Your Dog During Stormy Weather

With Colorado storm season just around the corner, now is the perfect time to prepare yourself and your pup. As your trusted Englewood dog training experts, we are committed to helping you raise a happy, confident and obedient dog. Our commitment goes far beyond dog training, it extends to your pup’s everyday sense of self-assurance…

5 Things to Do with Your Dog this Spring

5 Things to Do with Your Dog this Spring

It doesn’t get much better than spring in Colorado. It’s the perfect time for you and your pup to get out and explore. Looking for ideas? As your favorite South Denver, Littleton, Lakewood, Morrison and Englewood dog training providers, we’re here to help you make the most out of the coming months! Here are 5…

Holding Place

How To Teach Dogs Holding Place

One of the fundamental obedience skills we instill at Sit Means Sit is holding place, or holding sit, until released. Once mastered, the implied stay plays a major role in your Denver dog training as well as your daily home life. A dog that has mastered this, is prepared to move on to more advanced…

the Importance of Weight Control

The Importance of Weight Control for your dog

As pet owners, it’s our responsibility to ensure our companions live long, happy and healthy lives. This responsibility reaches beyond regular visits to the vet and keeping up with vaccinations, as a pet owner it’s up to us to ensure our best friends maintain a healthy weight. Just like their human counterparts, carrying extra weight…

Celebrate the Small Wins

Celebrate the Small Wins

It’s human nature to want results and to want them fast. But like most things that are worth working for, dog training is not a fast process. Sure, it may seem like your rambunctious pet has far to go, but that’s okay. There are plenty milestones between here and the finish line for you to…



As one of the top dog training companies in Denver, we get to come to work every day and connect with dozens of great dogs and families. Through our tried and true method of Denver dog training, we help our clients raise obedient, happy, confident dogs. In today’s posts we’re excited to introduce a pup…