Helping Soothe Your Puppy’s Teething Pain

Teething is a natural occurrence for growing humans and dogs alike, and many of the same soothing remedies work too! One of the most well-known methods is applying cold items, either frozen treats or cooling toys, to soothe your puppy’s irritated gums. Puppies have short attention spans, so pet parents might need to get creative with aiding efforts!

Frozen treats

Frozen fruits & veggies

Every pup loves a snack! Putting baggies of fresh fruit or veggies into your freezer is the easiest method for making DIY cooling treats. We recommend strawberries, banana slices, apple slices (no seeds or core), carrots, or green beans; however, small doses are encouraged, so you don’t upset your puppy’s tummy. Ice cubes tend not to be very helpful as they can cause damage to the emerging teeth from the harsh chewing.


Time to DIY! Blend up some fruits and veggies with peanut butter or yogurt to make some easy-peasy puppy popsicles! If fruit/veggies mess with your fur baby, try freezing chicken or beef broth in ice cube trays. Frozen aloe vera juice is raved about for puppy teething because of the dual benefits of the juice’s cooling and nutritional values! Check out this article for pup-sicle recipes!

Cooling towels

If you have extra rags or towels lying around the house, wet them, wring them out, and throw them in the freezer! Letting your puppy chew/teeth on the chill fabric will calm those inflamed gums, but it is essential to monitor your pup while they have a towel in case they start ripping it apart. Cold towels are easy tools to help Fido without breaking the bank!

Teething toys

PetSmart and PetCo have many toys that aid in teething pains, but as a pet parent, you need to look for safe toys. Puppy toys should not have loose parts that could be easily chewed off or swallowed. It is essential to research puppy-safe materials because there are many common toxins for young dogs found in various toys.

Check out these related articles on puppy safety!

Summer Fruits & Veggies That Are Safe for Dogs

Toys That Will Work Your Dog’s Brain

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