Autumn Advice for Dog Owners

The coziest season of them all is upon us, Fall! Pet owners look forward to cooler walks, beautiful changing leaves, and dressing Fido in matching Halloween costumes! On the other hand, a new season can bring challenges and routine changes for many reasons. Once the leaves start falling, so do tree nuts, which can be hazardous for furry friends to ingest; likewise, ticks still fall from the trees as often as they do in summer. Follow this advice guide for keeping you and Fido happy and healthy in Autumn!

Maintain Regular Exercise

The urge to cuddle on the couch all day is strong, but the beautiful weather is stronger! Autumn calls for chiller temperatures and fallen leaves for you and your pet to enjoy. Fido will love to explore the new textures and scents of fall time while you get some gorgeous outdoor pictures! It’s essential to keep up with your pet’s regular exercise to prevent weight gain and boredom.

Hide the Halloween Sweets

After Halloween trick-or-treating, make sure to keep all those sweet treats away from any furry friends! Candy contains an artificial sweetener, Xylitol, which is poisonous to pets. To avoid a trip to the Vet, store the sweets in a high, secure spot away from Fido. If you want to make special Halloween Sweets for your pet, check out this article for pet-safe recipes!

Check for Ticks

Following your fall nature walks, it’s pertinent to check your pet all over for ticks. Ticks are nasty little critters that latch onto our furry friends and can cause lots of health problems. The easiest way to prevent and protect your pet is by giving them regular tick medicine and checking them after outside time. For more information, check out this complete guide to ticks.

Be Aware of Acorns or other fallen seeds

While exploring the fallen leaves, watch out that your pet isn’t ingesting any acorns or pinecones, as they can be a choking hazard or cause many digestion problems. The tannins within the acorns make them poisonous for dogs; better to leave them for the squirrels!

Check out these related articles for more information on fall festivities!

Fall Safety Tips for Dog Owners

DIY Halloween-Themed Dog Treats

How to Keep Your Dog Out of the Halloween Candy