Let's Breakdown Littermate Syndrome

Let’s Breakdown Littermate Syndrome

Littermate Syndrome

Many people consider buying dog siblings when bringing home a pup. This idea makes sense – who wants to separate siblings? However, raising sibling puppies can be extremely difficult and present unique challenges. Here is everything you need to know about Littermate Syndrome.

What is Littermate Syndrome?

Littermate syndrome occurs when two dogs from the same litter develop a strong attachment to one another. Additionally, this syndrome can affect puppies of any breed and even unrelated ones. The downside: the syndrome interferes with their ability to interact with other dogs and people when they are not with each other. These dogs bond so intensely that they fail to develop connections with their human or dog families. They typically depend on each other for everything and only interact with one another.

Littermate syndrome can present many challenges to their behavior, mental health, development, and connections.

Signs of Littermate Syndrome

There are several indicators of puppies that are experiencing Littermate Syndrome.

  • Fearful of unfamiliar people, places, objects, and noises.
  • Anxious when separated from the other dog.
  • Unwilling to eat alone.
  • Difficulty receiving training.
  • Unwilling to engage when alone.

These are all signs of a puppy experiencing Littermate Syndrome.

How to Help Puppy Behavioral Issues

Pet owners can do a few things to avoid Littermate Syndrome and instill good behaviors in their puppies.

  • Slowly separate dogs.
  • Socialize with other dogs.
  • Allow them to play together.
  • Treat them as individuals.
  • Everyday tasks, like walks, apart.

Even if puppies are displaying signs of Littermate Syndrome, it is not the world’s end. With proper training, puppies can overcome these behavioral issues.