How Dogs Can Help Improve Your Mental Health

How Dogs Can Help Improve Your Mental Health

Having a companion can make your life more enjoyable and improve your mental health. When you adopt a dog, you are improving their lives and yours. We can improve our mental health by gaining a friend that will always be there for us. 

Dogs can go on walks, stay by your side as your cook, and cuddle as you watch TV. Everyone that has owned a dog must know the true companionship that a pup can provide. There is scientific evidence to prove the theory that dogs improve human mental health.

Social Recognition

Humans need bonds to thrive fully, and our pets can fulfill this need. When you identify another as crucial to your life, you gain a meaningful relationship with them. Having meaningful connections with others is vital when we feel sad, anxious, or another negative emotion.


The bond between a dog and its owner is deeply rooted in emotions. Research shows that a bond between a pet and its owners is similar to that of a mother and her child. Women in a study were scanned and had similar brain responses when shown a photo of their child and animal.

Chemical Release

When people and dogs experience positive emotions, their bodies release oxytocin, the feel-good hormone. This chemical release plays a significant role in our feelings and reactions. By cuddling, and many other actions, you can increase the body’s production of oxytocin. Your pet is the solution to many people’s stress.


Dogs are the epitome of happiness as the simple things in life provide them joy and excitement. Humans tend to worry over small moments and actions, and by following our dog’s steps, we can try worrying a little less. These are notes that we can take and apply to ourselves to live better, simpler lives.  


Our furry friends love us unconditionally, no matter the day or circumstance. They always see the best in their humans, which can only guide us to see the best in ourselves.