
Car Safety Tips for Large Dogs

Car Safety Tips for Large Dogs

Traveling in the car can be a constant part of a pup’s life. While car rides can be a breeze for smaller breeds, getting your giant pooch into your vehicle is another story. Read on to find the best safety tips for larger dogs. Is Your Vehicle the Appropriate Size for Your Big Dog? Some…

How to Brush Your Dog Based on Their Coat

Regular brushing is an essential part of maintaining your dog’s coat health and overall well-being. However, not all dogs have the same coat type, and each requires specific grooming techniques and tools to keep their fur in top shape. Here’s how to brush your dog based on their coat type. Short-Haired Coats Breeds like Boxers,…

Calming Dog Music

Music can have a powerful effect on dogs, just like it does on humans. Calming music has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety in dogs, making it a great tool for pet owners to use to help their furry friends relax. In this post, we’ll be exploring the kind of music that is calming…

These Athens Restaurants are Dog-Friendly

If you are looking for ways to get out of the house and have some fun with your dog this spring,  then look no further! Athens has some amazing pet-friendly restaurants for both you and Fido to enjoy! Paloma Park The menu of this restaurant focuses mainly on charcuterie and tapas from all over the…

Tips for Bringing a Newborn Home to Your Dog

When introducing your fur baby to your newborn, it can be nerve-wracking trying to find the perfect way to make the transition as easy as possible for your pooch. They are going to have to live together for a long time so it’s best to ensure their relationship starts off on the right foot. Here…

What to Do Now That You’re a New Pet Parent

So, you’ve just brought home a new puppy, and you’re busy getting settled and making sure you have all the necessary supplies for your new furry friend. Here are some of the things you may forget about in the excitement of pet parenthood! Schedule a Vet Appointment Within the first week or so of bringing…

How to Give Your Dog the Heimlich

Dogs are chewers by nature. They will chew on just about everything they can sink their teeth into. However, when that turns dangerous and your dog seems like they may be choking, do you know what to do? Signs Your Dog is Choking Many of the signs that your dog is choking are similar to…

The Best Detangler Sprays for Dogs

Brushing your pooch every day can be quite a hassle to keep up with. Unfortunately, this is one chore that, the longer you go in between brushes, the harder it is going to be to get them back to looking nice. Fortunately, there are tons of dog-friendly, detangler sprays out there to help make the…

The Best Sprinklers for Dogs

Keeping your pooch cool during the summer months can be a challenge. Taking them swimming is always an option but if your dog isn’t a strong swimmer or doesn’t enjoy being in the pool, this may not always be the best way to care for your dog. Luckily, even if your dog doesn’t enjoy swimming,…

Check Out These Fence Windows for Fido

As a dog parent, fences keep your pup safe while also allowing them to roam the yard and have fun. However, some fences prevent your pal from seeing what is going on around them. Most dogs don’t mind this but some pups like to see the view around them. The solution is a fence window!…