Dry Eyes in Dogs: Causes & Treatment

Dry Eyes in Dogs: Causes & Treatment

Dry eyes are never great, especially canine dry eyes. Today, we’re going to break down the causes and treatment of dry eyes in dogs.

What is Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry eye syndrome, also known as Keratoconjunctivitis, affects tear production in dogs. It decreases the tear production in dog eyes, leading to discomfort and redness of the eye. Tears are extremely important for adequate lubrication, comfort, and health of canine eyes. If tear production decreases, your dog can experience dry eyes.

Symptoms of Dry Eye Syndrome

There are many symptoms of dry eye syndrome. These symptoms include redness of the eyes, pain, and discomfort. Your pooch can also experience dryness on their cornea. Mucus-like discharge can also be present on the surface of the eye. This mucus might be yellow or green if another bacterial infection is present. More extreme symptoms of dry eye syndrome include cornea defects, such as pigmentation. Blindness and vision impairment are also symptoms.

Causes of Dry Eye Syndrome

There are many causes of dry eye syndrome. Many causes of dry eye syndrome are caused by immune system dysfunction. This dysfunction causes the dog’s immune system to attack the eyelid gland. Many medications have dry eyes as a side effect and can cause dry eye syndrome in dogs. Genes and endocrine conditions can, on occasion, cause dry eye syndrome.

Treatments for Dry Eye Syndrome

Contact a medical professional if your dog suffers from dry eye syndrome. A vet will decide on the best treatment for your canine based on their symptoms and diagnosis. Vets will commonly prescribe ophthalmic cyclosporines to simulate tear production for your pup. Cyclosporines prevent the canine immune system from attacking your dog’s eyelid gland. Artificial tears or eye drops are occasionally prescribed to provide comfort and lubrication for your pooch’s eyes.

We hate to see our furry friends in pain. If you suspect your dog suffers from dry eye syndrome, get Fido to the vet ASAP.