
How Often Should My Dog See a Vet?

We all know going to the vet is extremely important. From vaccinations to regular check ups, there are so many things our vets do to keep our dogs healthy. But what is the right amount to be visiting the vet? While the amount will vary from dog to dog, guidelines for visits are relatively similar…

Dog Travel Tips

With the holidays approaching, everyone loves to take vacations. Maybe you’re visiting family or maybe you’re going to explore new places as a gift to yourself. Either way, it can be hard to leave our furry friends behind at home. Since the holidays are all about spending time with your family, and our dogs are…

Keeping Your Dog Busy When the Kids Go Back to School

Going back to school can be challenging for everyone, including your dog! Along with buying school supplies and packing lunches, prepping your dog should be on your to-do list for back to school! Here are a few tips to keep your dog happy when your kids head out for the next year of school! Playtime…

Why Do Dogs Roll/Dive Into Grass?

We see our dogs doing a lot of weird things. Frequently rolling in grass is one of them. Ever wonder why your dog does this? There a few theories experts have on why dogs do this. Here are a few! Trait Inherited from Wolves As many people know, dogs are distant relatives on the wolf….

Contrary to Popular Belief, Dogs Aren’t Color Blind

Everyone seems to think that dogs can only see black and white. But this actually isn’t true! While dogs do have more limited and different vision than us, they do actually see color. Humans have three types of color receptors cells in our eyes: these are sensitive individually to red, green, and blue light. Some…

How to Puppy Proof Your Furniture

Most pet owners have a tendency to treat their four-legged friends just like any other family member but when it comes to your beloved living room sofa the rules may change. The “no pets on the furniture” rule is popular in most households because of the likely wear and tear. It becomes more problematic when…