Can Dogs Catch the Flu/Cold from Humans?

Can Dogs Catch the Flu/Cold from Humans?

Bird Flu and Swine Flu are clear examples of how we can contract illnesses from other animals, so the question is, can your furry friend get sick from you? Yes, your canine companion can contract the flu from you – but it is highly uncommon. Regardless it’s still important to know the signs of the flu or a cold in your pooch and how to treat it, no matter the cause.

Recognizing Flu-Like Symptoms in Your Dog

When we’re sick, we may warn others to keep their distance, or from the obvious state of our appearance, it may already be pretty obvious that we should be kept at arm’s length. Our furry friends rarely get the message though, and we often don’t think to sty away from them when we’re under the weather. It might be hard, but try to engage in minimal contact with your four-legged friend when you’re sick just in case they become susceptible to it. If your canine companion ends up getting ill, whether it be from you or another dog, here are common signs to look out for.

  • Loss of appetite
  • Irregular sleep patterns
  • Lethargicness
  • Sudden disinterest in usual activities
  • Fever (usually indicated by a dry/warm nose)
  • Coughing and difficulty breathing

If any of these symptoms last longer than a couple of days, or seem to be getting worse it’s probably best to bring your pup’s vet involved.

Treating Your Pup’s Cold

Constant hydration is going to be one of the most significant factors when it comes to a swift and successful recovery for Fido, as it will help their immune system stay clean to fight off the virus. Other than that, prescription medication from your pup’s vet is going to be their best option when it comes to a quick recovery. So once again, if your pup’s symptoms seem to be lasting longer than a couple of days or are only getting worse, definitely make an appointment with their vet.

How is the Flu Different for Your Dog?

The biggest difference in you getting sick versus your pooch getting ill is the contagion properties. There are no reported or verified cases of any humans contracting the flu from a canine. But, there are a handful of cases of dogs getting sick due to humans infected with influenza — another reason to try to keep your distance from Fido when you’re under the weather.

As pet parents, we just want the best for our furry friends. One way of ensuring this is keeping up with their health and doing all that we can to keep them from getting sick. Knowing the signs and causes of illnesses in dogs will help you in preventing and successfully dealing with just that.