Spring Cleaning Tips for Dog Owners

While it may still be February, warm temperatures and spring cleaning are just around the corner! When you have a dog, spring cleaning is a whole different ball game. Not only do you have the usual cleaning things to worry about, but you also have some doggie-specific needs that need to be taken care of. It can be easy to get overwhelmed with cleaning and forget little things here and there. Here is a collective list of all the different things you can do to make sure your spring cleaning hits all the important stuff!

Change or Invest in an Air Filter

If you feel like there is a constant lingering odor of your pup, it may be time to get an air filter. There are many air filters that are made specifically for homes that have pets. These filters can trap airborne dust and other debris so they’re aren’t in your air, keeping that dog scent out of the air. Some also have ionizers that will make the air fresher and have less allergens.

Wash Beds and Bedding

Unsurprisingly, your dog’s bed can collect a lot of dirt and get pretty gross. Try to get beds with removable covers that you can easily just throw in the wash. To make the bed smell nicer, add a cup of baking soda to your mild detergent when you’re washing the bed. You can also vacuum the bed to remove hair and dirt. If you vacuum regularly, it will stay cleaner year round. You can also dry most beds or covers in the dryer as well.

Clean Their Collar

You may not think that your dog’s collar gets dirty, but it does. One way to clean it is to take a few squirts of your dog’s favorite shampoo and mix it in a bowl with hot water. Soak the collar in this bowl for 15 minutes. If there’s any stubborn dirt on the collar, rub it against itself to clean. Using shampoo allows you to get a good clean without causing any irritation on your dog’s skin. Rinse out any soap under regular water and then hang to dry!

Rubber Gloves Trick

If you have dog hair all over your house, vacuuming everything may be tiring and annoying, especially for items that are hard to vacuum. One trick to getting the hair off things like this is to use rubber gloves. Put on a rubber glove, get it slightly damp, and then rub your hand across whatever has hair on it. Anything from furniture to pillows to drapes, the hair will ball up and be easy to grab!


Don’t Forget the Toys!

Your dog probably has a few favorite toys they love to play with. If you want these toys to last longer and be in good shape, washing them is important. You also want them to be fresh and germ free as much as possible! If you have a soft toy to clean, just put them in your washing machine on a gentle cycle. If you have a garment bag, put them in there. Hang dry or put them in a pillowcase before you throw it in the dryer. For harder or plastic toys, fill your (cleaned) sink with 50% water, 50% vinegar. Grab a clean brush or sponge and clean away. Many toys are also dishwasher safe, so you can try this too.

Cleaning Up Past Odors

If your dog has ever peed in the house, the traces of urine have stayed around. Your dog can smell them, even if you can’t. It is key to clean these spots because your dog will keep going to the bathroom in that spot if they smell it. If the stain is new, grab some newspapers and paper towels. Lay the newspaper on top of the towels and then stand on them. When the area is no longer damp, rinse the area with water. Use a pet odor neutralizer after to help the smell disappear.

Spring cleaning can be tough, but just remember how nice and clean your home will be after you do it! Your dog and family will be thankful for making their home and belongings so clean and wonderful. Good luck!