Tips for Keeping a Dog Friendly Home

Having a pet in your home is extremely exciting and rewarding. However, it can also be stressful trying to keep your home clean when you have a dog. Dogs can be messy and it can be frustrating to be constantly dealing with fur and dirt that your dog brings in. Dealing with the messes dogs brings be can be one of the biggest concerns for future owners. But it’s important to have your space be clean and to establish a routine to keep it this way. Here are some tips for how to keep your home at its best with your furry friend in it!

Invest in a Good Vacuum (And Use It)

It is easier to be encouraged to vacuum when you know your vacuum is going to do the job. Do your research and purchase a quality vacuum that is going to get all the hair off your floor and furniture. A good rule of thumb for vacuuming is twice a week. Even if it doesn’t look like it, there is a probably hair everywhere. You should vacuum more if your dog is heavy shedder.

Establish Good Grooming Habits

This is a proactive tip to avoid having to clean your furniture and home more often than you need to. If your dog is clean, then your house will be cleaner. This includes keeping their nails trimmed, frequent brushing, and regular baths. Their hair will be less likely to shed and dirty your home if their well-groomed. All your furniture and rugs will last longer as well.

Purchase the Right Furniture

If you’re currently decorating your home and looking for furniture that is going to withstand your dog, there are a few things to keep in mind. Choose the right fabric for furniture your dog will be near often. This means stain resistant, sturdy fabrics, such as suedes and twills, that are made to be strong against odors and bacteria. Leather or pleather is also a good choice that will only have to deal with scratches. Another thing to keep in mind is matching the colors to your pet’s fur. This is a practical choice because it hides fur, but can also be aesthetically pleasing. Even if you don’t match exactly, try to avoid stark contrasts, like a white rug that your black lab will shed all over.

Choose Washable Fabrics

If your dog sleeps in your bed frequently or like to lounge on the couch, try to put easily washable blankets and sheets on your bed. It is easier to clean if your dog has an accident, slobbers, or even just smells up your bed. Find some dog-friendly blankets to drape over the couch where your dog lays and get a duvet cover that you can easily throw in the wash if your dog gets it dirty.

Hard Surfaces

If you’re redoing parts of your home and are debating between carpet or hardwood, choose hardwood for spaces where your dog spends a lot of time. Hardwood, or other hard surfaces like tile or marble, in the kitchen and living rooms are not only attractive, but are also extremely easy to clean. You can mop or Swiffer them quickly when they get dirty. Just remember that if you have a large dog, they can scratch wood floors.

Give Your Animal Their Space

If you have room in your home, give your animal a space just for them and their stuff. If possible, try to have this area near the entry they use the most. This can be a mudroom where you can easily clean your dog off and store all their supplies. It keeps your home clean and organized, but it also lets your dog have a room of their own. They will start to learn that it’s where they go to be feed, get toys, or get ready for a walk.

Overall, be sure to implement proper grooming and cleaning habits to keep your home (and your dog!) at their cleanest. Good luck!