The Sport of Dog Agility

The Sport of Dog Agility

If you haven’t noticed already, your canine companion lives to please. They love learning new tricks and receiving praise through their obedience training. An agility course, where a dog is guided through a set of obstacles, and their need to complete it as quickly as possible – is just another excellent example of our dog’s need to please. If you’ve never tried an agility course with your pooch, here are some reasons you might want to consider it.

It’s a Great Way to Bond with Fido

Learning how to successfully navigate an obstacle course with your furry friend can be very exciting. The closer they get to catching on and completing the course successfully, the more enthusiastic you’ll become – and your pup definitely notices. As they recognize how much joy you get out of their success, they’ll aim to continue doing just that. And the more excited you get, the more stimulated your pup will become.

Working through the challenge of an obstacle course and completing it successfully will bring you and your pup closer together – building a stronger bond between the two of you.

A New Way to Communicate

At the foundation of award-winning dog agility competitors is the ability of the owner and their canine to read each other successfully. Working through the goal of a course builds a mutual understanding between a pup and their owner, making life on and off the course a better experience for both.

Through agility courses, a stronger form of communication is built as an owner is able to see things through their pup’s perspective. And this extends the relationship of a pet parent and their pooch well beyond the agility field.

An Excellent Way to Exercise

Agility courses can be exciting and help build on your relationship with your pup, but they’re also a great source of exercise. Your furry friend has to weave through poles, run through tunnels, and jump over hurdles. If you’ve ever wanted to tire out your pooch – this is an easy way to accomplish that. Plus, as their handler, you’ll be running alongside them, getting in a good workout as well.

It Improves Your Pup’s Behavior

Since agility courses are completed off-leash, Fido will have to learn to consistently listen to you without the assistance of a restraint. The better they get at the sport of agility courses, the more attentive they’ll become towards you on and off the field.

Whether you want to train your pup to compete or want to try sometime new and fun – an agility course is a great way to strengthen the bond between you and your pooch, while staying in shape.