The Funniest Dog Breeds

The Funniest Dog Breeds

Let’s be honest: some of our furry friends just look a little goofier than others. That definitely doesn’t mean they’re any less deserving of a loving home or family. It simply just means they look a little quirkier than the dogs we may be used to seeing every day. For your fascination or maybe even your future adoption preference – here are some of the goofiest looking breeds out there.


The Puli dog breed has what looks like hundreds of dreadlocks draping their body – causing them to appear like a sort of life-like mop. This breed is known for previously working as a Hungarian herder who’s tight curls weren’t just a fashion statement but made them practically waterproof! While they may have an interesting coat, the Puli is known for being an extremely loyal and loving breed that makes for a perfect house dog. And to many people’s surprise, they’re swift and agile as well.

Chinese Crested

There’s no way you can mistake the Chinese Crested dog breed for any other type of dog. With their crested mane, furry “socks,” and feathered tail – they’re hard to miss. But even though many people might see these unique looking pups as strange, they’re full of affection for their owners and always ready to play. The hairless side of their breed also has an advantage – making them hypoallergenic and giving them no doggy odor!

Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Practically looking like a dandelion, the Dandie Dinmont Terrier has a puff of hair practically just plopped on their head. This independent and smart pooch, who also happens to be a rare breed that is nearly extinct, is the only dog breed named after a fictional character. In a novel by Sir Walter Scott, “Guy Mannering,” a farmer named Dandie Dinmont, who owned six terriers, was where this breed found its name.


Another rare breed, the Xoloitzcuintli, is a Mexican hairless breed that was considered sacred by the Aztecs, Toltecs, and Mayans – thought to have supernatural healing properties. On top of having a god-like past, Xoloitzcuintlis are loyal watchdogs who come in three sizes: toy, miniature, and standard.

Bedlington Terrier

You might mistake the Bedlington Terrier for a dog in sheep’s clothing with their wooly non-shedding hair. But the dog that used to keep badgers at pay gives itself away with what looks like tassels dangling from their ears. But besides being alert watchdogs due to their past, these pups are also avid cuddlers.

Neapolitan Mastiff

If you’re looking for a massive watchdog, the Neapolitan Mastiff will surely intimidate ANY intruder with their gigantic size and mass. If their appearance isn’t enough, then you should know these canines supposedly fought alongside Roman legions with spiked leather harnesses. Even with all of this seemingly aggressive background, Neapolitan Mastiffs are sweet, gentle giants with their owners – they can be wary of strangers, but that’s only due to the protective nature they have over their pet parents.

All of these dogs might be marked as “funny-looking,” but that doesn’t change the loyal, loving nature canines have. So hopefully, next time you see a seemingly odd pooch, you won’t judge it by its cover, because they never do with us.